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PICS! Cutis marmorata telangiectatica congenita

Any parents here with little ones having CMTC? My pediatrician says this is what my 5 month old has but based on images I’ve seen online it’s not quite the same.

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Omg this is so strange - I haven’t been on this app for ages. For the first time ever I had this urge to log on and search cmtc - your post was the only post in the search result and you posted it yesterday!!

Coincidences aside; yes my now 15 month old has CMTC on her leg and it looks similar to what is on your 5 month old leg. There has been no trouble far with it or other repercussions so far. It’s super rare so knowledge about it is a bit patchy.

I don’t have photos handy from when she was only 5 months but if I find I will send to you. Here are some of when she is older +8-10 months and then over 12 months. It definitely changes with temperature (in the bath can’t really see it at all, when it’s cold you can) but also fading with time. Dermatologist said it probably won’t go away but will continue to fade. She doesn’t have any other troubles going on (eg. Different length legs) so I haven’t worried too much or thought about it in more recent months

Hope that helps!

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Actually here you go - found images from one month old

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I also just randomly decided to search this on here.

My son was also diagnosed with CMTC at birth - he’s 12 weeks on Wednesday. It has definitely faded from how dark it was at birth but it goes from the left side of his belly all the way down his left leg.

We saw a pediatric dermatologist that then referred us to another more specialized dermatologist but we can’t get in until November!

My husband also noticed the other day his right leg seemed a little thicker than his left leg so we asked at the pediatricians office this morning and sure enough it is a little thicker so now we are a bit concerned but waiting for a call back on next steps. ** update to add: I found some research online that says that hemihypertrophy is associated with CMTC so that’s why we are a little worried **

First pic is at birth, second pic is now. So while it has faded a bit, it’s still pretty dark compared to what I’ve seen ☹️ don’t mind my husbands nail, he also needs to see a dermatologist ��

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my baby is 3 weeks old and we are going to Children’s Hospital as well for potential CMTC

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Thanks for sharing!! I was shocked when I couldn’t find any others posting about CMTC here but it’s nice that I’m not alone. My baby seems to not have any other symptoms of it going on, so her doctor isn’t worried or sending any referrals to see anyone else. Hoping it stays that way. But as a mom I’m just over analyzing it every day haha.

She was born with such a red/purple complexion I didn’t even notice right away. My first pictures are from 1 month and it has faded a little bit. She also has a sugar bug vein, and stork bites. She’s a very birth marked little girl haha.

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it’s hard not to over analyze! Our doctor also wasn’t really worried about it until my husband noticed the difference in leg thickness which I honestly would’ve never noticed. I’d say just keep a close eye on that and length differences but if she has no other symptoms she should be fine and it should continue to fade!

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same here! Didn’t notice it until 5 days old.

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Hey! It’s been a few months so just checking in. How are the CMTC marks looking on your babies?

My LO is 9 months now and it’s much the same!

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Hi all! Our 11 week old was diagnosed with CMTC today. She has discoloration along her right shoulder/arm. Hoping it will fade with time. Glad to connect with some others here! It is a bit overwhelming. She also has a stork bite, spider vein mark, and some hemangiomas…so lots of vascular skin things going on.

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my baby has a hemangioma and CMTC as well

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Here are a couple recent pics of our little guy. The marks have definitely gotten a lot lighter than they were at birth! They are darker when he’s cold and lighter with some red spots when he’s warm / hot. He has a width discrepancy - his affected leg is 2cm thinner than his other leg but no length discrepancy or any other issues at the moment.

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i believe I might of finally found what my little boy has on his leg looks very much alike to all these photos on here I'm going to the gp in the morning for reassurance this wasn't picked up at birth so I've been very stressed to what it could be. His 4 weeks old x

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hey! Any update after your GP visit?

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yes that looks similar to cmtc

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My baby now 2 years old - not a baby anymore! It has faded but not gone - hasn’t really changed now for last 12 months but doesn’t seem to bother her at all and no difference in legs width or height as far as I can tell

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My 18 month old has it on her arm. hasn't bothered her and she has normal motor function of that arm. It has faded quite a bit since she was born, but it's definitely still there.

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