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Woman's microblading result might just be the worst in history

Proof that not everyone can do beauty.
Woman's microblading result might just be the worst in history

Beauty trends come and go and from overdrawn lips to rainbow highlighter, most of them are pretty harmless. One thing, however, that you do not want to take lightly is microblading. The beauty trend that has saved sparse brows all over the world involves making tiny blade-like incisions in one's brows and filling them with colour. Essentially in a tattoo style.

In attempt to fix her post '90s over-tweezed brows, Shannon Bozell decided that she wanted to undergo the treatment, which totalled in at $350. The results of said treatment? Very heavy, dark "monster" brows.

Source: Facebook

Shannon reached out to the salon for help to rectify the botched job, but was only given another appointment to alter the arch. After the second procedure, her eyebrows began blistering. The salon explained that because she had been treated twice, a lengthier recovery was expected. She was then told to wait 30 days for her brows to lighten. Since, she has dyed her hair darker and cut a fringe to hide her brows.

Source: Facebook

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