Penumbra: Black Plague

Penumbra: Black Plague

47 ratings
Penumbra: Black Plague get to know your monsters!
By ♥ (Blake$quad) and 1 collaborators
This guide is about the monsters you will face in Black Plague! Also as a bonus I will tell you where to find all 10 of the secret artifacts!
The Tuurngait
The only real enemy in the game that will be a pain. Some of the Tuurngait carry flashlights which means they can easily spot Phillip hiding among the shadows but some of them don't have them and are easy to sneak around. Some may have weapons such as a crowbar or an fireaxe. There is such a way to ''kill'' them. If you can get one to follow you into a corner and trap them there you can throw lots of boxes and other things at him. It will cause him to stagger and then eventually cough and then ''die'' on the floor with no more worries! Sometimes when Phillip hides around them they can be heard saying ''Who's there?'' ''This isn't right.'' and more. They are the main enemy in the game. (My Pro Tip: Be as conservative of the flashlight as it really is not needed at all in the game. I beat Black Plague without using it much and had over 20+ batteries still left at the end of the game. So use your glow stick it does not emit light like the flashlight so you won't get caught as easily!)
Minor monsters
As they are all seen commonly in Overture they only appear once in certain areas as ''fakes''. In the Kennel dead dogs can be seen around there doghouses and in one part a dog can be picked up and used for something. The fake dog will run at you like how they would in Overture except as soon as it bites Phillip it will vanish. Same thing with the spiders. Spiders corpses can be found throughout the game and in one part it will come alive and bite Phillip like a spider would and then vanish like the dog. However the worm is a different story. The worm also being a ghost enemy it is also like a small boss fought in a small room while it rips the room apart to try to kill Phillip. It is super easy to kill the worm since all you need to do is pull a lever that electricity will shock it. There is an invisible type of enemy later on that will kill you if you can't turn on the power fast enough in time but its very easy to do so.
Secret Artifacts
As a bonus I will tell you where all the artifacts can be located so be on the lookout!

1. In a cupboard in the mess hall kitchen.

2. In the storage room(where you get the gas mask) on top of the shelf in the far left corner as you enter.

3. In the infirmary on the vent above the entrance.

4. In the locker room near the infirmary(head out of the infirmary, go around small wall bit in front of you, through the door, it's on the right) under the bench.

5. In the library, above the door leading to the caves.

6. On the scaffolding in the caves, climb the last ladder, can't miss it.

7. At the top of the stairs leading down to the kennels there's a small room on the right, it's in there in the bin.

8. Inside the doghouse nearest to the left in the kennel.

9. In the research room where Amabel is, in the toilets next to the right hand wall.

10. In the chemical lab, in the bottom desk drawer.
I hope this summary helps you in knowing what to look out for as well as finding those oh so sweet collectibles!
Trudeau MUST GO! Aug 30, 2023 @ 2:45am 
no the enemies never get back up after killing them using objects, this is my favorite horror series so i would know ;)
GandGolf Sep 10, 2021 @ 9:10am 
For anybody else having trouble with the worm you need to have it go through the wall that has the wire on it when you pull the lever.
oooh you liek dat Jul 8, 2016 @ 3:07pm 
cool thanks for the guide. im gonna buy this game
AvatarTT Feb 10, 2015 @ 3:48pm 
Oh man I missed some of the artifacts. I'll use this guide to get them all if I ever do another playthrough.
Messias Sep 9, 2014 @ 2:29pm 
Just so you guys know, you get a secret bonus in the end if you found all artifacts. :)
Pandorable_1 Jul 11, 2014 @ 4:40pm 
First time playing this and one of the monster's with the flash light scared the poop outta me lol. He barley did any damage to me but He blocked me behind the door so I couldn't even I died within 7 -9 hits lol
♥ (Blake$quad)  [author] Apr 6, 2014 @ 1:36am 
Same! I was hiding ontop of desks so he can't touch me and I was like ''do I need to get something??''
♥ (Blake$quad)  [author] Mar 8, 2014 @ 6:32pm 
In a way its kinda buggy but I found this out by accident. I just threw boxes and such and he died and I was thinking what the hell? But yeah after a bit I think they get back up!
JC Dec 31, 2013 @ 4:55am 
Thanks for the guide it really helped a lot to bypass the enemies and i've found some of the collectible items.Good work