S.F.3.D Original Plastic Model Kits from Twentieth Century Imports

I found the S.F.3.D Original “Adventure Simulation Game” last fall and shared one of the marketing inserts in the box back in December (posted here). That pre-Maschinen Krieger insert wasn’t the only bit of promotion packed in the game box, though, so I popped the lid and grabbed this insert for the plastic model kits because you’ve gotta see just how many kits were available back when this was new. I’ve never been a huge modeler, but these robot kits look pretty damn awesome.

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1 thought on “S.F.3.D Original Plastic Model Kits from Twentieth Century Imports

  1. The SF3D models are pretty awesome and were exceptional for their time. I first ran across them in the early ’80’s at Village Hobby, a deep-dive hobby shop being one of the only that carried any non-US models. The AFS blew my mind because it had hoses, springs, and wires and was roughly the same size as my GI Joes. It was fairly expensive for the time (and a kid) at somewhere around $15 (when Joes were around $2). It took me a while to save enough to buy it, but I remember how much I enjoyed building it and was amazed at how cool it was.
    I still have a love of SF3D (now Maschinen Krieger). They are some great designs that step away from traditional concepts of how vehicles should look.

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