Is This The Worst Eyebrow Trend Ever? | ewmoda

Is This The Worst Eyebrow Trend Ever?

Eyebrows or palm tree leaves...who can tell?

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18 April 2017

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feather brows

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Thanks to Cara Delevingne, bushy eyebrows have been all the rage since 2012. And the trend does not seem to be going away anytime soon.

But like everything else on Insta, brows too are overdone. And we don't mean filled in too much or exaggerated. We are talking about straight up feathering brows as if they were palm tree leaves. And for this, you can thank Stella Sironen, a makeup artist from Helsinki, Finland.

A few days ago, Stella came up with what is now termed #featherbrow and it is pretty much taking over Insta. Read the caption below to know exactly how she achieved this look.