Saturday 1 January 2011 - 04:52
Islam Times Exclusive:

Birth Defects increase 11 fold in Fallujah

Story Code : 48715
Birth Defects increase 11 fold in Fallujah
Islam Times reports that a study was conducted to examine the enormous amounts of birth defects seen in Fallujah. The study concluded that the genetical defects seen in this city could be a result from the weaponry that the United States used against them over the last six years.
The results of this study were released last week and were published by the British Guardian newspaper. The study showed enormous increase in cancer, defected hearts, and other birth defects in newborn babies. The amount of defects is nearly 11 times that of a normal city. This number is unprecedented in the history of mankind.
The results also show problems in the gender of children born in Fallujah. Since the time of the United States attack on this city in 2003, only 15 percent of the children born in Fallujah were male. That means that 85 percent of them were female.
The most probable reason for all of these defects is depleted uranium used by the American forces. The largest amounts of depleted uranium were used in April and November of 2004.
© Islam Times
Translator : Aabid Waqar
Source : Islam Times