Hey guys! Today I want to share with you a product that I don't think is worth your money.😌

I was really excited to try this eyebrow gel because it's meant to be super easy to use, but it just didn't work for me.🥺

When I applied it, my eyebrows felt really dry and even a little dirty. It was hard to get off my skin afterwards, which made me feel like the product had not done its job properly.😌

This gel is also only meant for people with thin or dark brown eyebrows, so if you have dark hair and light skin like me then this might not be the best option for you either.

I did not like this product at all and would not recommend it if you are looking for something moisturizing or versatile enough to work on any kind of eyebrow color or thickness!😭

#honestreview #lemon8honestreview #lemon8beauty #beauty #eyebrowgel #worstbrowgel #lemon8creator
