A good walk: Howth peninsula, Co Dublin

Force of nature: the spectacular setting of Baily Lighthouse in Howth, Co Dublin
Force of nature: the spectacular setting of Baily Lighthouse in Howth, Co Dublin

A beautiful morning in Howth, sharp and blue. Before venturing out along the cliffs, we detoured up above the harbour to catch the view around the ruins of Howth Abbey, also known as St Mary’s Abbey, and to pay our respects to the shade of Father Patrick, legendary teacher at the ecclesiastical college in medieval times. It’s said that French rivals, jealous of the college’s fame and success, came to Howth to find enough evidence of dire teaching to force its closure. Father Patrick, however, had planted his learned monks around the harbour disguised as working men. The disembarking spies heard fish porters and roadmenders discussing recondite theological matters in Latin, got back on board and sailed away dumbfounded.

Beyond a Martello tower we passed