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The New No Nudes Playboy Is Here And It's Terrible

Updated Apr 4, 2016, 02:07pm EDT
This article is more than 8 years old.

It took me until last weekend to pick up a copy of the newly no-nudes Playboy magazine.

I suppose that tells you something about how interested I was to see a magazine that used to be famous for having naked women in it now that it had no naked women in it.


The March 2016 issue was the first no-nudes Playboy issue. Some sort of Snapchat girl was on the cover. Which should tell you something about the direction in which the publication is heading.

As for the April 2016 issue that I picked up, it looked more like a sexy hipster Bible than the iconic magazine it used to be. There was a blonde on the cover. Who was she? She looked like Sienna Miller. She wasn't. She is Camille Rowe. According to Wikipedia, she is a "French-American model and occasional actress." She was wearing a pale aqua bra that wanted to be see-through but wasn't and maybe no underpants. It was hard to tell. Around her neck, a tiny Playboy bunny head hung from a thin gold chain. She looked bored, or perhaps distracted.

But the most disconcerting experience, at least for me, was when I unfolded the Playboy Playmate spread, and there she was: Camille. In her underpants.

A long, long time ago, I went over to a girlfriend's house. Let's say I was eight, or nine, or ten. She led me into her parents' bedroom and revealed to me the first dirty magazine I'd ever seen. I want to say it was a Penthouse, but I'm not sure. What I do know without a doubt is that the women in it weren't wearing any underpants.

So, what does it matter? Underpants or not? Here's where Playboy's going wrong by eliminating it's nudity.

It's not on brand

The secret sauce of Playboy wasn't so much the naked girl. It was the feeling that looking at one lounging across its pages gave you. It felt transgressive. It felt like you were doing something you weren't supposed to be doing. It felt somehow naughty. With the naughty bits covered up, that titillation, the emotional relationship between you and the product is gone. And without that, well, you've got nothing.

It levels the playing field

The toughest consequence of Playboy covering up its models in order to better compete for advertising dollars is that it makes the magazine just like its competitors. There's no competitive edge. Playboy hadn't been fading because the women were naked. It was fading because it didn't know how to reinvent itself. By contrast, take a look at the modern-day Lui, a French magazine wherein nudity abounds that numbers Rihanna among its nude models. With its high-end aesthetic, Lui is far more Pirelli than Penthouse. Last year, editor-in-chief Frederic Beigbeder described his revamp of Lui as "something very glamorous, very high society." The new Playboy feels more like Details and Maxim had a party and some girls showed up to act listless. The new Playboy's literary offerings don't fare much better. The ghost of Hunter S. Thompson is nowhere to be found.

It's not feminist

It's hard not to flip through the new Playboy and conclude this is the strangled male desire that feminism hath wrought. This magazine seeks desperately not to offend. It seems to want very much to do the right thing. In doing so, it doesn't do much of anything. The result is about as bland as its Playmate of the Month's commentary on how her pictorial went down. "I gave my opinion on everything," she shares. "I'm so happy it happened this way."

Playboy claims to have cleaned up its act as a way of differentiating itself from the endless sea of porn online. In doing so, they're reporting ad dollars are up, they've improved in-store product placement, and they're targeting their millennial demographic. We'll see how long that lasts. They've created no pull towards it. Just scantily clad girls who hope not to shock and end up looking bored to tears.

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