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1.3 million people watched Ireland win the Grand Slam

Joe Schmidt’s side completed a third-ever Six Nations Grand Slam with the win.

THE IRISH RUGBY team weren’t the only ones celebrating on Saturday as TV3 saw a massive viewing number for the game against England.

Joe Schmidt’s side completed a third-ever Six Nations Grand Slam with the win in Twickenham, with over 1.3 million tuning in.

The programme was watched by 1.328 million people, TV3 has today announced.

The match delivered an average audience of 951,000, making the historic victory the highest-rated programme on Irish television this year. It would have been the second-highest rated programme in the last two years, behind only the Late Late Toy Show.

A further 100,000 viewers tuned in to watch England v Ireland live on the channel’s 3player platform.

Six Nations Rugby / YouTube

TV3/s Ireland’s Got Talent deliberations show saw an average of 333,000 viewers.

Bill Malone, Director of Programming said:

“Ireland’s historic Grand Slam win over England at Twickenham on Saturday was the perfect ending to TV3’s first NatWest 6 Nations tournament. It truly was a national event, and with over 1.3 million viewers tuning in during the course of the game, it is the most watched television programme this year.

“It was a huge weekend for TV3 and represented a great coming together of live sport and entertainment as we kicked off the Ireland’s Got Talent live shows last night. With two more live Semi-Finals to come this week, before the Live Grand Final this Saturday, it’s shaping up to be yet another momentous week on TV3.”

Ireland, of course, won the game against England 24-15.

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