Based on this popular series by Adam Hamilton, 24 Hours That Changed the World For Youth offers an age-appropriate perspectve on the fnal day in Jesus' life on earth.
In this second volume of the three-volume Women's Lectionary for the Whole Church, widely praised womanist bible scholar and priest Wil Gafney selects scripture readings that emphasize women's stories.
Accepting full responsibility for omissions, oversights and mistakes, and pleading for the mercy and blessing of God, we give to you this Centennial Edition, trusting the voice of praise will lift up to glorify our resurrected, reigning and ...
This stunning collection showcases the love poetry and mystical teachings at the heart of the Islamic tradition in accurate and poetic original translations At a time when the association of Islam with violence dominates headlines, this ...
Beyond sound equipment and music charts, eleven noted worship leaders from around the United States write about the ministerial part of their work as it relates to the gospel, mission, disciple-making, liturgy, the Trinity, justice, ...