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Directive 2014/89/EU of the European parliament and of the council of 23 July 2014 establishing a framework for maritime spatial planning.
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... Directive 2014/89/EU establishing a framework for maritime spatial planning. 2021. All coastal EU countries establish maritime spatial plans. Show 3 more items.
This Directive establishes a framework for maritime spatial planning aimed at promoting the sustainable growth of maritime economies.
This paper explains MSFD and MSP, examines their relationship, and compares their practicability, concluding that MSP is both the more dominant and the more ...
Nov 1, 2021 · According to the directive, maritime spatial planning must promote sustainable development, the sustainable use of marine resources and ...
This Directive establishes a framework for maritime spatial planning aimed at promoting the sustainable growth of maritime economies, the sustainable ...
Ultimately, the Directive aims to establish 'a framework for maritime spatial planning aimed at promoting the sustainable growth of maritime economies, the ...
This paper is a comparative analysis of the contribution to UK marine governance of two recent EU initiatives: the Marine Strategy Framework Directive ...
The EU's MSP Directive, adopted in 2014, identifies MSP as a cross-cutting policy tool enabling public authorities and stakeholders to apply a coordinated, ...
Apr 1, 2021 · Only six have met the EU's 31 March deadline to submit their plans for the sustainable use and conservation of their seas - and those six plans are extremely ...