The Senate is the Upper House in Canada's bicameral parliamentary democracy. It unites a diverse group of accomplished Canadians in service of their country.
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The Senate of Canada is the upper house of the Parliament of Canada. Together with the Crown and the House of Commons, they compose the bicameral ...
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Canada's 105 senators are men and women of accomplishment and experience. They are business people and scientists, judges and teachers, athletes, community ...
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The Senate is the upper house of Parliament and is constituted by appointed Senators. More information is available on the Senate of Canada website.
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Canada's senators are appointed by the Governor General on the advice of the Prime Minister. They represent Canada's provinces and territories in Parliament.
The Senate is an important part of the legislative (law-making) branch of Canada's government. Senators are appointed from each province and territory to ...
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The Senate is the Upper House of Canada's Parliament. Its 105 members are appointed and hold their seats until age 75.
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Nov 8, 2019 ˇ They commemorate the sacrifice made by Canadians during World War I and Canada's evolution towards full independence. The Senate has 105 members. Senators are ...
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