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inauthor: Canada. Parliament. Senate from
... Canada with a. measure proposed by Mr. .SIIKIJJUN m the Senate of the 1'mtod JStaU^, which has for iu objoct an ... in author- ized to take action under tb*t law without necessarily having rccoiirne to a con vocation of Parliament." The ...
inauthor: Canada. Parliament. Senate from
... Senate, m.iy be a Ions; time in the House to-dav over a oil! referring to ... Canada. Referred. sitions, as their chances there are better that that was ... parliament, ment, that you ought to be baptised. Tet no more but the ...
inauthor: Canada. Parliament. Senate from
... Quebec** Legislature. VICTOHIA, Feb. 1 I— The Urnt w -ion of ihr trnlli parliament ol ANOTHER SENATOR IS DEAD i pT'rV" hfld.tml»r- Tl... only icRiclntHm promi*.?.! WJIH the form- at ion of a department <tf labor. North lirucr Injection ...
inauthor: Canada. Parliament. Senate from
... Canada are ly convinced that govern- t ~* .vari.ous kinds is costing __,oget ... Parliament were present to express their views. This mi-ans that out of a ... Senate of, say, 50, would be ample. In the same way, instead of having ...
inauthor: Canada. Parliament. Senate from
... In Author of "I N«-e«l riiee Every Hour" and Other AVell KIIO>TII A Mrs ... Parliament from St. John, N F . and minister of public works in the cabinet of former Premier I.aurier of Canada ... Senator and Mrs. George Peabody Wetmore ...
inauthor: Canada. Parliament. Senate from
... Canada to tho daughter of our Most Gracious Smereign and to tho British Crown. I desire, also, to congratulate this hon. llouso on the appointment of the hon. Senator for Saugoon to tho Spoakorship of the Senate ... Parliament to tho fr ...
inauthor: Canada. Parliament. Senate from
... Parliament, more tliau fttr intimating that no excuse wmiM I>e receited tcr ... Senator Wurmly Hill confer- to tiic Joiuuii Vrincc and Gurtachakotf ... Canada, the L'nited States, and England. tions. TWO comjianius of caralry ha ...
inauthor: Canada. Parliament. Senate from
... Canada. IMiis (book Is. in Iruth. what it sets. :elf out to Tje— "A study of ... in author, (but who, n^wrthelcss. r ives for the things ... Parliament on itho site of the Iioya.1 hospital ait KHmainham, The Free State senate ...
inauthor: Canada. Parliament. Senate from
DOMINION PARLIAMENT. Third Parliament-Fourth S«Ml»n. 11OISE OF. 27th.— The ... Canada, and always altracied more Tiaitor* than Ottawa, and il the museum ... Senate, ?ou,9l8 ; ijalane* liouse ol Common* percleik°*e*timate^>9,8aOi ...
inauthor: Canada. Parliament. Senate from
... Canada for the month of May was $7,000.000, which is an improvement of ... Parliament p'.edscd to Home Rule, b<- forced to undertake the solution of ... Senate yesterday had considerable difficulty in determining what to do with ...