How do nations act in a crisis? This book seeks to answer that question both theoretically and historically. It tests and synthesizes theories of political behavior by comparing them with the historical record.
Ferreto de' Ferreti conte Carlo Cipolla. AD tibi In dubiis adversa malis et turbine rerum Dissimulare licet , cum ... in author 235. B Digne auctor- corr . in author- D author- 243. B Explicui ABD capessans Mur . capessens 244. B in ...
Ferreto de' Ferreti conte Carlo Cipolla. AD tibi In dubiis adversa malis et turbine rerum Dissimulare licet , cum ... in author auctor- corr , in author- D author- 243. B Explicui ABD capessans Mur . capessens 244. B in cedibus 245 ...
... Cipolla CM . Public health and the medical profession in the Renaissance . Cambridge ( MA ) : Cambridge Univ . Press ... in author's possession . Address for correspondence : Charles T. Ambrose , Department of Microbiology ...