Zeitlin, Jacob (1883-1937) | University of Illinois Archives. Name: Zeitlin, Jacob (1883-1937). expand icon Show Related People or Groups.
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Description: Papers of Jacob Zeitlin (1883-1937), professor of English (1916-37), including publications (1908, 1914, 1917, 1919-20) on grammar, essays and ...
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Jacob Israel Zeitlin (November 4, 1902 – August 30, 1987) was an American bookseller, publisher, collector, poet and intellectual in Los Angeles in the ...
Missing: inauthor: 1883-1937
Small Renaissance: Southern California Style, by Jacob Zeitlin. Los Angeles, CA: Jacob Zeitlin, 1972. 8vo. 16 pp. Stapled wraps. Very Good.
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Hazlitt on English Literature An Introduction to the Appreciation of Literature. by Jacob Zeitlin · Paperback. $12.99$12.99.
Missing: inauthor: 1883-1937
Jacob Zeitlin, Professor of English at the University of Illinois since 1925 and a member of the faculty since 1907, died of a heart ailment early this ...
Missing: inauthor: 1883-1937
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Follow Jacob Zeitlin and explore their bibliography from's Jacob Zeitlin Author Page.
Missing: 1883-1937 | Show results with:1883-1937
Feb 12, 2023 · This Dutton Family Tree Explains How Seven Generations of 'Yellowstone' Characters Are Related. This complete list includes 1883 and 1923.
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