... JOHN GALT , Esq . 18mo . THE LIFE OF MOHAMMED , Founder of the Religion of Islam , and of the Empire of the Saracens ... In Author of ' Pelham , ' & c . 12mo . AFFECTING SCENES ; being Pas- sages from the Diary of a Physi- cian ...
... JOHN GALT , Esq . 18mo . THE LIFE OF MOHAMMED , Founder of the Religion of Islam , and of the Empire of the Saracens ... In Author of ' Pelham , ' & c . 12mo . AFFECTING SCENES ; being Pas- sages from the Diary of a Physi- cian ...
... in author- ship . But in his long search in the dark he had hit upon the right vein at last . It was not in the wild and wonderful that he was to excel , but in the homely , the humorous , and the caustic . " The ... JOHN GALT . 223.
... In author's own experiences as a popular poet : - deed , the course of his personal feelings may be " We are sometimes , ' he says , ' tempted to traced with hardly less distinctness in the roman - blame the timidity of those poets ...
... J. Banim . Smug . of the Swe . Coast , by Carlen . Snarleyyow , by F. Marryat . Sorrows of Werter , by Von Goethe . Southennan , by J. Galt . Spanish Daughter , The , by G. Butt . Spirits of Odin , by J. Herma . Spy , The , by J. F. ...
... in author- ship . But in his long search in the dark he had hit upon the right vein at last . It was not in the wild and wonderful that he was to excel , but in the homely , the humorous , and the caustic . " The ... JOHN GALT . 223.
... in author- ship . But in his long search in the dark he had hit upon the right vein at last . It was not in the wild and wonderful that he was to excel , but in the homely , the humorous , and the caustic . " The ... JOHN GALT . 223.
... in author- ship . But in his long search in the dark he had hit upon the right vein at last . It was not in the wild and wonderful that he was to excel , but in the homely , the humorous , and the caustic . " The ... JOHN GALT . 223.
John Galt. votes of members , but by satisfying public opinion- which is the God of the political world . And my Lord ... in author ity and power . " " What says the Stagyrite to that , Riversdale ? " said the Earl laughing . " By ...
... John , his translation of the Fox , Charles James , 237 , 245 . Elzevirs ... GALT , JOHN , 7 . Gardiner , Samuel R. , 58 . Pepys , 209 , 210 , 212 ... in author- ship , 242 ; his achievement , 243- 245 . " Gideon Giles , " 39 ...