... in author of " Hudibras , " - SAMUEL B In the parish church of shire , was baptized this celebra February , 1612 . His father wa and intelligent man , and sen school at ... SAMUEL BUTLER . 113 biography of Butler which careful.
... author . This gentleman's " It is a work of merit : -the sense and learning belong to the prefixed to his Dictionary . The Principles of Music , in author ; the prejudices are those of his profession . Butler , Samuel , 1774-1840 , a ...
Edmund Gosse. encouraging a taste for excessive discursiveness in author ... author and to his biographer . One of the most clear - sighted of his friends , trying to sum up his character at his death , said that “ he ... SAMUEL BUTLER 73.
... in author- ity over him ; he thought , at least , that he believed it , for as yet he knew nothing of that other Ernest that dwelt within him , and was so much stronger and more real than the ... Samuel Butler , A Literary Example 143.
... author saw | on three trips across the United States . Stevenson , Rev. J. G. ... Samuel Butler , George Gis sing , by W. T. Young . Warren , Mrs. Maude ... in author's " Victory in defeat . " Westcott , Rev. Fk . Nash . Catholic ...
Butler's life as an African American woman--an alien in American society and among science fiction writers--informed the powerful works that earned her an ardent readership and acclaim both inside and outside science fiction.
Samuel Butler Richard Alexander Streatfeild. about Christ's Resurrection and Ascension any more than Ernest did, but ... in author- ity for many years, and he brushed Ernest on one side as if he had been a fly. He did it so well ...
... author of ' The Reflections of a Married Man , ' will con- tribute ... Samuel Butler , edited by Brimley Johnson , who has also written and Co. The ... in " author of John Halifax , Gentleman , ' and Dickens , Rossetti , Shirley ...