Sextus Propertius was a Latin elegiac poet of the Augustan age. He was born around 50–45 BC in Assisium (now Assisi) and died shortly after 15 BC.
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Sextus Propertius (born 55–43 bce, Assisi, Umbria [Italy]—died after 16 bce, Rome) was the greatest elegiac poet of ancient Rome.
Sextus Propertius was a Roman elegiac poet of the Augustan age. His works focus on love and loss, often centering around his muse, Cynthia.
Sextus Propertius, (born 55/43, Assisi, Umbria—died after 16 bc, Rome), Roman poet. Very few details of his life are known. The first and best known of his ...
Mar 3, 2012 · A complete English translation with in-depth name index. No joy in corrupting Venus to a blind motion: know, if you do not, the eyes are the guides of Love.
Addressed to Cynthia. What's the point of walking around, love, with your hair all done up? Why does Coan clothing cover your delicate breasts?
It was Amor lowered my gaze of endless disdain, and, feet planted, bowed my head, till he taught me, recklessly, to scorn pure girls and live without sense.
Great poet though he is, Propertius (born c. 50 BC) has been relatively little read. His chief subjects are love, death, and Roman life.
Sextus Propertius, a Latin poet of the Augustan age, produced four books of Elegies noted for their exploration of love and Roman society.
Addressed to Cynthia. While you linger in the middle of Baiae, Cynthia, where the path lies on Herculean shores, and marvel at seas subdued in the reign