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inauthor: Alessandro D Ancona from
"Should have broad appeal in many kinds of industry, ranging from automotive to computers-basically any organization concerned with products having moving parts!
inauthor: Alessandro D Ancona from
Producing Culture and Capital is a major theoretical contribution to the anthropological literature on capitalism, as well as a rich case study of kinship and gender relations in northern Italy.
inauthor: Alessandro D Ancona from
The book follows scholars who emigrated to the United States, such as psychologist Renata Calabresi, and to Palestine, such as Enzo Bonaventura.
inauthor: Alessandro D Ancona from
In den jahrzehntelangen Vorarbeiten zu seiner weltweit so beachteten Homerausgabe hat der Editor viele interessante und zugleich neue Details zur Textüberlieferung gewonnen, die er nunmehr in einer Spezialmonographie zusammengefaßt hat.
inauthor: Alessandro D Ancona from
Editions of the texts are accomp. by facing translations & explanatory & philological commentaries.
inauthor: Alessandro D Ancona from
Outlining the contributions of Dubrovnik in conceiving and establishing early public health measures in Europe, Expelling the Plague reveals how health concerns of the past greatly resemble contemporary anxieties about battling epidemics ...
inauthor: Alessandro D Ancona from
Clodia Metelli: The Tribune's Sister is the first full-length biography of a Roman aristocrat whose colorful life, as described by her contemporaries, has inspired numerous modern works of popular fiction, art, and poetry.