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inauthor: American Chamber of Commerce of the Philippines from
"This book is the result of a study in which the authors identified all of the American women who earned PhD's in mathematics before 1940, and collected extensive biographical and bibliographical information about each of them.
inauthor: American Chamber of Commerce of the Philippines from
The book will also unpick the 'threats' Erdogan has worked to combat - from the liberal Turks to the Gulen movement, from coup plotters to Kurdish nationalists - all of which have culminated in the crisis of modern Turkey.
inauthor: American Chamber of Commerce of the Philippines from
This is the first of five ambitious volumes theorizing the structure of governance above and below the central state.
inauthor: American Chamber of Commerce of the Philippines from
As the relationship between China and the United States becomes increasingly complex and interdependent, leaders in Beijing and Washington are struggling to establish a solid common foundation on which to expand and deepen bilateral ...
inauthor: American Chamber of Commerce of the Philippines from
A study of how Air Force enlisted personnel helped shape the fi%ture Air Force and foster professionalism among noncommissioned officers in the 195Os.
inauthor: American Chamber of Commerce of the Philippines from
Rogue State and its author came to sudden international attention when Osama Bin Laden quoted the book publicly in January 2006, propelling the book to the top of the bestseller charts in a matter of hours.
inauthor: American Chamber of Commerce of the Philippines from
The fundamental premise of this book is that regulatory systems can be successfully reformed only if there are independent, objective and public evaluations of their performance.
inauthor: American Chamber of Commerce of the Philippines from
Using previously unreleased documents, the author reveals new evidence that FDR knew the attack on Pearl Harbor was coming and did nothing to prevent it.