[English]:Starting from one of the most significant chapters of Leonardo's Libro di Pittura, we hwant to focus on the media - namely on the narrative, descriptive and graphics methodologies together with the techniques adopting during the ...
"This is a book for artists, but it is also for curators, art school faculty, landscape architects, gallerists, archivists, post-disciplinary multi-hyphenates, museum program staff, and anyone who wants to know about the ways art and ...
Una disamina delle fonti bibliografiche, dei documenti archivistici, del repertorio iconografico e cartografico utile a ricostruire le fasi salienti dell’affascinante storia architettonica e artistica di uno dei monumenti pił insigni ...
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Containing the names of the officers and of members, a brief history of the institute, an account of the work ... and a copy of laws relating specifically to the corporation ...