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subject:"Canals" from
In nineteenth-century England, ten-year-old Emma, accustomed to long working hours at the silk mill and the poverty and hunger of her sister's house, finds her life completely changed when she inadvertently gets a job on a canal boat ...
subject:"Canals" from
Mukerji weaves various strands of the story with impressive dexterity to produce an account that is undoubtedly that of a scholar at the top of her game. This is a fascinating and theoretically significant study.
subject:"Canals" from
Hugh Mallet tells the story of the duke's personal life and the story of his great achievement, he created the country's first major canal by his own efforts and a national network by his example.
subject:"Canals" from
A travel guide with distance charts and steamboat, railroad and stage routes. Descriptions of Troy, Montreal, Albany, Hudson River, Quebec, Niagara Falls, etc ... Also contains population of cities and counties of New York.
subject:"Canals" from
Scientists from three different civilizations, separated in time by hundreds of thousands of years, investigate a mysterious indestructible canal on Earth, while a plot is hatched to overthrow the world government of one of the ...
subject:"Canals" from
A history of the Panama Canal told from the perspectives of its construction workers discusses Theodore Roosevelt's unpopular vision for Panama, the extensive resources that went into its building, and its role as a symbol of American power ...
subject:"Canals" from
Qu'elle soit matière, énergie ou espace, l'eau a mobilisé des compétences techniques multiples pour résoudre des contraintes et tirer profit des ressources.
subject:"Canals" from
This long term bestseller, now in its 12th edition, has probably tempted more people to explore the beautiful waterways of France than any other book.
subject:"Canals" from
Finally, in a comparative framework, the debate over the canals led to an examination of the inadequacy of a British model and to a rehearsal of the arguments about state economic policy that the next generation would revive.
subject:"Canals" from
Accidents and failures to hydraulic structures happen not only when their loads exceed the design strength. Other possible causes are lack of inspection and maintenance, improper operation, extreme weather events and navigation errors.