En este libro presentamos los textos cuya autoría pertenece a quienes han ofrecido módulos temáticos o clases magistrales en la Segunda y en la Tercera Escuela de Verano desarrollada por el Centro de Estudios de Derecho Penal y Procesal ...
The Guide emphasizes Bentham's original goal of introducing a utilitarian penal code. Sverdlik considers the chapters of Bentham's text sequentially, explaining and connecting the work's main themes.
Dr. Susanna Niehaus ist Diplom-Psychologin, Fachpsychologin für Rechtspsychologie BDP/DGPs, als Dozentin und Verantwortliche für das Kompetenzzentrum Devianz, Gewalt und Opferschutz an der Hochschule Luzern – Soziale Arbeit und als ...
This book is a systematic examination of the nature of America's crime and criminal justice system as defined by its policy-makers at different times and in disparate contexts of social and political realities.
The book is the result of the conference "Substantive Criminal Law of the European Union" organised by the Criminal Law Department of Maastricht University on 20 and 21 January 2011, with the generous support of the Faculty of Law of ...
In the second edition of this very successful book, Tony Sammes and Brian Jenkinson show how the contents of computer systems can be recovered, even when hidden or subverted by criminals.