Un siecle et demi apres les premieres fouilles a Delos qui ont concerne le sanctuaire d'Apollon, et malgre de nombreuses publications, il subsistait des lacunes dans la connaissance du sanctuaire.
`O'Brien has combined faultless scholarship with poetic vision to penetrate the events of Alexander's extraordinary life and reveal the tragic pattern obscured by these tumultous events. This is not only biography; it is art.
The Foreign Relations of the United States series presents the official documentary historical record of major U.S. foreign policy decisions and significant diplomatic activity.
Prior to 1870, the series was published under various names. From 1870 to 1947, the uniform title Papers Relating to the Foreign Relations of the United States was used.
Description of Volume 13. China : "This volume is the first publication in a new subseries of the Foreign Relations series that documents the most important foreign policy issues of the Jimmy Carter presidential administration.
The book is distributed in print and electronic format e-book (PDF) by the publishing house «VIPAPHARM - Dr. Victor C. Papagiannopoulos "Street Plastira 30 & Jocasta in Zografou, Tel. / Fax: 210-7718687. http://www.vipapharm.com/book.htm ...