subject:"Italian drama" from
This is an introduction to the life and literary contributions of a Nobel Prize winner and one of Italy's most distinguished writers, Luigi Pirandello. It evaluates the significance of his influence on 20th century literature.
subject:"Italian drama" from
Six people arrive in a theatre during rehearsals for a play.
subject:"Italian drama" from
The dramatic innovations in this play are legendary. Direct address, improvisations and in and out of character speeches are but a few of the techniques Pirandello originated.
subject:"Italian drama" from
Famous expressionistic parable explores relativity of truth, vanity and necessity of illusion, instability of human personality, other themes. New English translation.
subject:"Italian drama" from
Now part of the canon of Italian plays, Morte accidentale di un anarchico, in its original form, was a subversive piece of political theatre.