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subject:"Mexico" from
Las h. de lám.: "Padró y Artigas, Sadurni y Padró, Urrabieta y Carnicero ... "
subject:"Mexico" from
This report deals with the situation of Guatemalan refugees in Mexico in the period of 1980-1984.
subject:"Mexico" from
From the Preface: "In compliance with the general custom of writing a preface, it is my desire to say, that I should not publish my Travels in Mexico, but for the flattering solicitations of some friends.
subject:"Mexico" from
French edition, 1778, of the letters of Cortés to Charles V relating to the conquest of Mexico. The originals are in the Vienna library.
subject:"Mexico" from
This work examines the history of the Americas and the expansion of Europe and the growth of their colonial empires in the New World.
subject:"Mexico" from
Con el objeto de contar con un documento de referencia que nos permita tener una imagen de la situacion y las posibilidades que tiene el pais en cuanto al desarrollo de la biotecnologia, asi como senalar aquellos grandes problemas, retos y ...
subject:"Mexico" from
Narrative extends only to the close of 1828, having been left incomplete at the death of the author. -- cf. Advertencia al lector, 1 leaf at end.
subject:"Mexico" from
Destaca la agudeza de Isidro Vizcaya para abrir caminos de investigacin̤, misma que se manifest ̤en la capaciadad de vislumbrar nudos y ejes bs̀icos en el trayecto histr̤ico-econm̤ico del noreste de Mx̌ico durante el siglo XIX.
subject:"Mexico" from
Baltasar Obregón (born 1534) was a 16th-century Spanish explorer and historian. He is most notable for publishing the Historia de los descubrimientos de Nueva Espana, an account of his travels in the New World.