Their respective ancestral cultures in England and Spain, argue scholars Milo Kearney and Manuel Medrano, had common roots in medieval Europe, and both their conflicts and the shared understandings that may form the basis for their ...
Explains how managers can successfully build multinationals in emerging markets from the analysis of forty-one comparative cases of Mexican multinationals.
Cette édition actualisée de La formation des grands domaines au Mexique est la première depuis sa publication initiale en français en 1952, en dehors de nombreuses éditions en espagnol et en anglais.
Fallen Guidon traces the Iron Brigade's transformation into "imperialists", the trail of blood they spilled from Piedras Negras to Mexico City, and the final futility of their cause, as Maximilian declined the mercenaries' services.
Agrarian Revolt in a Mexican Village deals with a Taráscan Indian village in southwestern Mexico which, between 1920 and 1926, played a precedent-setting role in agrarian reform.
This volume makes available to the English-reading public an easily accessible translation from the original Nahuatl, along with extensive critical apparatus dealing with various linguistic, orthographic, and typographical matters.