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subject:"Mineralogy" from
Vol. for 1900 accompanied by "Festheft dem VIII. Internationalen Geologen Congress zu Paris gewidmet"; for 1907 accompanied by "Festband zur Feier des 100 jährigen Bestehens."
subject:"Mineralogy" from
Vol. for 1900 accompanied by "Festheft dem VIII. Internationalen Geologen Congress zu Paris gewidmet"; for 1907 accompanied by "Festband zur Feier des 100 jährigen Bestehens."
subject:"Mineralogy" from
Vol. for 1900 accompanied by "Festheft dem VIII. Internationalen Geologen Congress zu Paris gewidmet"; for 1907 accompanied by "Festband zur Feier des 100 jährigen Bestehens."
subject:"Mineralogy" from
The "Progrès de la botanique" contains a summary of Linnaeus' contributions. This edition not cited by Soulsby.
subject:"Mineralogy" from
"A locality index to the reports of the Geological survey of N. S. Wales from 1875 to 1892 inclusive, by W. S. Dun": v. 3, p. 154-194.
subject:"Mineralogy" from
Vols. 34-40 (1949-55) include Contributions to Canadian mineralogy, v. 5, pts. 1-7.
subject:"Mineralogy" from
Includes 3 atlases of fold. plates, fold. maps, fold. tab. which accompany 1885; 1886, pts. 3-4.
subject:"Mineralogy" from
"Opal bibliography, by G. Frederick Shepherd.": v. 8, p. 51-60.