The fourth installment in the Chicken Soup for the Soul series promises to be even more popular than its predecessors. The perfect gift for friends, family and business associates is now available in A 4th Course.
«Un romanzo che ci incoraggia a non nascondere le ferite e ad aprire il cuore.» The Korea Herald Cosa faresti se fosse possibile cancellare il tuo ricordo più doloroso?
And this is why this book is so precious.I, therefore, wish to express my deepest appreciation to Pastor Ezekiel; for taking the time from his very busy schedule to write this book.Thank you and God bless you!Pastor Sunday AdelajaFounder ...
Aan de hand van begrijpelijke modellen, testjes en interessante verhalen zorgt hij ervoor dat je beter in staat bent om je eigen grenzen te bewaken. Omringd door energievreters verbindt alle voorgaande boeken uit de Omringd door-serie.
"What brings you here?" is the standard question posed to patients at the outset of their therapeutic journey. In A Curious Calling, this question is posed to therapists themselves.
Nicolás Vallejo-Nágera, miembro de una de las sagas familiares más respetadas y uno de los personajes más queridos del país, reflexiona en estas apasionantes páginas sobre los detalles más desconocidos de su vida, mostrándonos su ...
In A Game of Character, Robinson takes readers behind the scenes to meet his most important influences in his understanding of the winning traits that are part of his playbook for success.
One score is brassy with exuberance -- the next moans with sorrow. Whatever you call it -- call it real. Author Max Lucado calls it "the second most stressful day in the life of our Savior.
The book combines inspiration, humour, and intelligence to showcase the significance of acknowledging our impermanence to lead a more meaningful/fruitful and fulfilling life.