Chandler P. Anderson
Opinion in War-risk In...
The Northeaste...
The American...
Documents Annexed to...
Organization of the Worl...
Costa Rica-Pana...
Documents Annexed to...
Costa Rica-Pana...
Documents Annexed to...
Northern Boundary o...
Alaskan Fur Seals. Dipl...
North Atlantic Co...
Costa Rica-Pana...
Alaskan Fur Seals: Dipl...
North Atlantic Co...
Costa Rica-Pana...
Documents Annexed T...
Chandler P. Anderson
Former Counselor of the United States Department of State
Chandler Parsons Anderson was the inaugural holder of the Counselor of the United States Department of State position, serving in that capacity from August 23, 1912, to April 22, 1913. He served under President William Howard Taft and was replaced... Wikipedia
Born: September 5, 1866, Lakeville, Salisbury, CT
Died: August 2, 1936 (age 69 years), York Harbor, York, ME
Books: Opinion in War-risk Insurance Premium Claims, (November 1, 1923)., The Northeastern Boundary, The American Commissioner ... Decision No. 1-78 in the Matter of Fixing Reasonable Fees for Attorneys Or Agents Under the Authority of Section 9 of the "Settlement of War Claims Act of 1928.", and more
Previous office: Counselor of the United States Department of State (1912–1913)
Education: Harvard Law School (1889) and Yale College
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Northern Boundary of the United States: the Demarcation of the Boundary Between the United States and Canada, From the Atlantic to the Pacific, With ...
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Looking for books by Chandler P. Anderson? See all books authored by Chandler P. Anderson, including Alaskan fur Seals. Diplomatic Negotiations for the ...
Chandler Parsons Anderson (September 5, 1866 - August 2, 1936) was the inaugural holder of the Counselor of the United States Department of State position, ...
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The Speeches and Writings File contains drafts and printed copies of papers, articles, editorials, and book reviews written by Anderson. Most of the subjects in ...
Jun 6, 2012 ˇ Author of Alaskan fur seals, Northern boundary of the United States, Costa Rica-Panama arbitration, Organization of the world for peace, ...
Title. Chandler P. Anderson papers,. Summary. Correspondence, diaries, minutes of meetings, writings, reports, informal records and notes of negotiations, ...
Panama Canal Tolls: An Address on the Issues Between the United States and ... By Chandler P. Anderson. About this book ˇ Terms of Service ...
The papers consist of correpondence, letterbooks, documents, diaries, subject files and other materials documenting the personal life and professional career of ...
Bibliographic information ; Author, Chandler P. Anderson ; Publisher, Creative Media Partners, LLC, 2022 ; ISBN, 1017340412, 9781017340419 ; Length, 122 pages.
Inviolability of private property against confiscation ; Anderson, Chandler P. ˇ Book ˇ English ˇ [S.l.], Feb. 1927.