Delia and Nemesis

Delia and Nemesis

Book by Tibullus
Delia and Nemesis - The Elegies of Albius Tibullus provides an introduction to the first-century Latin Poet, Albius Tibullus, whose charming poetry ranks among the most delicate and sophisticated verse produced in the Augustan age. ... Google Books
Author: Tibullus
Genre: Poetry
Copyright date: 1998
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Delia and Nemesis - The Elegies of Albius Tibullus provides an introduction to the first-century Latin Poet, Albius Tibullus, whose charming poetry ranks among the most delicate and sophisticated verse produced in the Augustan age.
The book introduces Tibullus and discusses his poetic sensibility and technique. Each of his sixteen elegies is treated in a separate chapter consisting of an ...
Delia and Nemesis - The Elegies of Albius Tibullus provides an introduction to the first-century Latin Poet, Albius Tibullus, whose charming poetry ranks ...
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Delia and Nemesis - The Elegies of Albius Tibullus provides an introduction to the first-century Latin Poet, Albius Tibullus, whose charming poetry.
Delia and Nemesis - The Elegies of Albius Tibullus provides an introduction to the first-century Latin Poet, Albius Tibullus, whose charming poetry ranks among the most delicate and sophisticated verse produced in the Augustan age.
... Delia has been unfaithful to her husband and to Tibullus. It is important to remember that she has already been unfaithful to her husband with the poet ...
The analysis of the liason with a woman Tibullus now calls Delia, now Nemesis, has led us to conclude that through his doctrina Tibullus varied the one domina ...
$5.99 delivery 60-day returns
Delia and Nemesis - The Elegies of Albius Tibullus provides an introduction to the first-century Latin Poet, Albius Tibullus, whose charming poetry ranks ...
Unlike Tibullus's Delia and Nemesis, or Propertius's Cynthia, Lygdamus's Neaera appears not to have been a prostitute but is described as Lygdamus's "wife ...
Delia and Nemesis - The Elegies of Albius Tibullus provides an introduction to the first-century Latin Poet, Albius Tibullus, whose charming poetry ranks among ...