"In this two-man musical spoof, a pair of aspiring playwrights perform a backers' audition for their new, ill-advised project -- a bit, splashy musical about printing press inventor Johann Gutenberg.
With unrivalled political savvy and a keen sense of irony, distinguished political scientists Anthony King and Ivor Crewe open our eyes to the worst government horror stories and explain why the British political system is quite so prone to ...
This book brings together a series of new and historical case studies to show how different phases of globalization are transforming the built environment.
Football constitutes a vivid public ritual in contemporary European culture through which emergent social solidarities and new economic networks have come into being.
Everything is new in this second version of AEI's all-time bestseller, which brings coverage of the vital trends in American political life up to the present.
Profiling prominent contemporary generals and their staffs, King vividly analyses divisional headquarters, giving a unique insight into the transformation of military command.