The Twelfth Edition covers new topics such as the COVID-19 pandemic, the rising costs of health care, and the rollback of environmental regulations under the Trump administration.
A fully revised and updated edition of an introductory text book, which includes political concepts, institutions, processes and voting behaviour, the media and classification of governments among its contents, drawing on examples from a ...
New to this Edition: - A fully updated and revised set of chapters, including four new chapters – on multilevel governance, global governance, metagovernance and populism and governance. - A postscript on how to study governance
This book examines the issues involved in the attempts to compare political systems, and discusses how the methods and results of comparative politics can be improved.
New to the fifth edition: *a new chapter on administrative reform *more material on administration in developing countries *more coverage of the European Union and more discussion of international bureaucracies *revision and up-dating to ...
Written by two of the leading scholars in the field, this book explores public administration in the past, present and future, critically reviewing the modernization of public management reform.