With lightly-ruled pages, this book is perfect for writing and exploring your spiritual journey. Includes suggestions and guidelines for keeping a journal.
Ideal for confirmands and newcomers of all ages, this booklet aims not to rehash the topics of the typical confirmation manual, but rather to answer the questions people really ask on life and death, about perplexing moral issues, or on ...
A helpful analysis of the General Convention 2000's resolution that the Episcopal Church would double in size by the year 2020 by Seabury Western Theological Seminary's Dean and President, the Very Rev.
This extraordinary little book reveals the journeys of four quite different, yet very similar, persons bound together by the fact that God has touched them deeply and changed their lives forever.
Under one cover, this booklet combines "The Celebration and Blessing of a Marriage," from the Book of Common Prayer, with all the suggested scripture readings from the New Revised Standard Version of the Bible. a very helpful resource for ...