subject:"Africa" from
'In the Shadow of Slavery' explores the wealth of plant life brought to the Americas by slaves and slave ships as provisions, medicines, cordage and bedding, and afterwards cultivated in garden plots.
subject:"Africa" from
Challenging societal beliefs, this volume rethinks African and world history from an Afrocentric perspective.
subject:"Africa" from
Traces the history of Africa in the fifty years since the independence era began, describing how the withdrawal of Europe's colonial powers influenced the African people and culture.
subject:"Africa" from
A historical novel about the ruin of an imaginary country called Kasch, set in the context of true events.
subject:"Africa" from
Allegory of the war between oppressor and oppressed.
subject:"Africa" from
A provocative novel about an African tribal woman's battle with madness after the trauma of a childhood genital mutilation. --Publisher.
subject:"Africa" from
Debunking the current model of international aid promoted by both Hollywood celebrities and policy makers, Moyo offers a bold new road map for financing development of the world's poorest countries.