subject:"Algebra" from
Reviews of the first edition: This is a well-written book, based on very sound pedagogical ideas. It would be an excellent choice as a textbook for a 'transition' course. —Zentralblatt Math 'Proofs and Fundamentals' has many strengths.
subject:"Algebra" from
The theoretical parts of the book are augmented with rich exercises and problems at various levels of difficulty.
subject:"Algebra" from
A fun and accessible guide to the fundamentals of math. Conquer your math anxiety forever with the easy-to-follow instructions and practical exercises in this guide.
subject:"Algebra" from
New edition includes extensive revisions of the material on finite groups and Galois Theory. New problems added throughout.
subject:"Algebra" from
In addition to the standard results of advanced calculus, the book contains several interesting applications of these results. The text is intended to form a bridge between calculus and analysis.
subject:"Algebra" from
Since we start with field theory, we would have to jump into the middle of most graduate algebra textbooks. This can make reading the text difficult by not knowing what the author did before the field theory chapters.
subject:"Algebra" from
The world of maths can seem mind-boggling, irrelevant and, let's face it, boring. This groundbreaking book reclaims maths from the geeks.
subject:"Algebra" from
Written by an authority in the field, and one with great practical and teaching experience, this is certain to become the standard and indispensable reference on the subject.
subject:"Algebra" from
'Algebra with Galois Theory' is based on lectures by Emil Artin. The book is an ideal textbook for instructors and a supplementary or primary textbook for students.