Examining a series of El Nino-induced droughts and the famines that they spawned around the globe, Davis shows how the ruling elites helped produce some of the worst tragedies in human history. 15 photos. 8 maps.
In this horrific story of state-sponsored terror, cannibalism torture and murder, China's communist leadership boasted of record harvests and actually increased grain exports, while refusing imports and international assistance. 16-page ...
David M. Kennedy, author of Freedom From Fear: The American People in Depression and War, 1929-1945 This book is to be warmly welcomed as the first full, and admirably presented, account of this major crisis in Soviet history important, too ...
There is very little to rival this book. Famine is the most comprehensive short treatment of the subject available."--William Chester Jordan, author of The Great Famine "This is an important book.
The first full history of one of the most horrendous human tragedies of the 20th century, The Harvest of Sorrow examines the atrocities inflicted on the Russian peasantry by the Soviet Communist party between 1929 and 1933.
An account of the famine that killed roughly thirty-six million Chinese during the Great Leap Forward examines how the communist ideologies and collectivization campaigns perpetuated by the country's leaders caused the catastrophe.
It was a firm belief in the ways of providence and the first stirrings of greater political freedom, says Aberth (history, U. of Nebraska), that allowed European communities to endure the full share and more of misery that befell them ...
The fifth volume in a landmark series of independent volumes on the Industrialisation of Soviet Russia, this work covers the years 1929-1937, the crucial period of the first two five-year plans.