subject:"Nicaragua" from
In this definitive account of the resistance to the three longest occupations-in Nicaragua, Haiti, and the Dominican Republic-Alan McPherson analyzes these events from the perspective of the invaded themselves, showing why people resisted ...
subject:"Nicaragua" from
L. Pitt, Fiction, Marine Biologist.
subject:"Nicaragua" from
An American midwife travels to Central America to care for the women and children suffering through war.
subject:"Nicaragua" from
She makes painfully clear the connections between what many US Americans today remember only vaguely as the Iran-Contra “affair” and ongoing US aggression in the Americas, the Middle East, and around the world—connections made even ...
subject:"Nicaragua" from
In this brilliantly focused and haunting portrait of the people, the politics, the land, and the poetry of Nicaragua, Salman Rushdie brings to the forefront the palpable human facts of a country in the midst of a revolution.
subject:"Nicaragua" from
Randall interviewed these outspoken women from all walks of life: working-class Diana Espinoza, head bookkeeper of an employee-owned factory; Daisy Zamora, a vice minister of culture under the Sandinistas; and Vidaluz Meneses, daughter of a ...
subject:"Nicaragua" from
At the nexus of politics, sociology, development studies, nationalism studies and Latin American studies, this work takes Nicaragua as a case study to engage and advance upon on Benedict Anderson's ideas on the origins and spread of ...
subject:"Nicaragua" from
Looks into issues including the Sandinista legacy, the new political systems, the economy, the constitution and property, the 1996 elections, and Nicaragua's continuing transition. Annotation copyrighted by Book News, Inc., Portland, OR
subject:"Nicaragua" from
This book explores how Nicaragua's least powerful citizens have fared in the years since the Sandinista revolution, as neoliberal governments have rolled back these state-supported reforms and introduced measures to promote the development ...